Image: Two propaganda maps at the Maps and the 20th Century exhibit at the British Library.

The Maps and the 20th Century exhibit at the British Library is quick to get to central theme of the exhibition: in order to understand a map, you must understand how and why it was made. Maps are not neutral. 

In a museum context, however, it can be tempting to present a map as the source of truth.

Topics Discussed:

00:00: Intro
00:14: Maps in Museums
01:08: Limiting the Gallery to the 20th Century
01:45: “Global North”
02:15: Propaganda Maps and Globes
02:40: German Map of European immigrants living in the US

Maps and the 20th Century: Drawing the Line

Image: Two propaganda maps at the Maps and the 20th Century exhibit at the British Library.

The Maps and the 20th Century exhibit at the British Library is quick to get to central theme of the exhibition: in order to understand a map, you must understand how and why it was made. Maps are not neutral. 

In a museum context, however, it can be tempting to present a map as the source of truth.

Topics Discussed:

00:00: Intro
00:14: Maps in Museums
01:08: Limiting the Gallery to the 20th Century
01:45: “Global North”
02:15: Propaganda Maps and Globes
02:40: German Map of European immigrants living in the US

Maps and the 20th Century: Drawing the Line