In this episode, we hear the voice of Grandmother Agnes Baker Pilgrim. She passed on, but her light lives on in so many of us water babies. These recordings of Grandma Aggie are from this past year: a panel at the Global Earth Repair Conference in Washington state, a prescribed fire training exchange in Ashland, Oregon, and finally at her 95th birthday gathering. I hope these words bless you like they've blessed me, and help remind us to be a voice for the voiceless. If you can support her family financially, it would be much appreciated, especially for her daughter Nadine, a great grandmother herself, who has taken care of Grandma Aggie for years.  You can donate directly to help Nadine at the following paypal link: If you would like to make a tax deductable donation, you can do it through the Grandmother's Empowerment Project paypal link below, and specify "Support for Nadine" in the comment: And again, thank you to Peia for allowing me to use her song The Old Ways Restored for the introduction, and for her important work in the world.  You can find her music and tour dates at