While later this year there will be an in depth Muse Ecology series on the beaver, in this episode we hear one one the more inspiring beaver stories I've come across: the tale of the Martinez Beaver.  When the beaver moved in to downtown Martinez, CA, the city originally intended to exterminate them, but thanks to community involvement, the Martinez Beaver became protected and celebrated as a cultural icon.  In this episode, we hear this story from beaver advocate and founder and president of Worth a Dam, Heidi Perryman. Important Announcement:  If you are anywhere near Martinez tomorrow (Saturday, June 29th), it's the 12th annual Martinez Beaver Festival!  Warning: beaver enthusiasm is highly contagious! You can find more information on the beaver and Worth A Dam at The feautured image for this episode, of a beaver mother and her kit, was taken by Cheryl Reynolds in Martinez, CA. The Ballad of the Martinez Beaver in this episode was written by Mark Comstock. The theme song in the Muse Ecology introduction is The Old Ways Restored, by Peia.  You can find her music and tour schedule at