Lucky number thirteen! We celebrate by playing the Murder, She Drank bingo/drinking game (don't worry guys, Ben is your sober buddy for this one). Since the M's are a wee bit drunk this one goes a bit off the rails with side talk. Fair warning. But this episode was so much fun you guys will love it, I promise! We still talk plenty of Murder, She Wrote especially since this is the first episode we have watched set in Ireland! And if one actual Irish person was cast, I would be bloody well shocked because the accents were next level terrible!

Also, Joel B. New is doing an EP of theatrical pop songs based on the novels of JB Fletcher and he is letting us all vote on which novel titles get used! So vote early and vote often, you guys!

Don't forget we are only watch episodes based on your suggestions so let us know your favorite episode! We can't do this podcast without you! The easiest way is to hit us up on Twitter @MurderWeSpoke.

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