CONTENT WARNING: child sex abuse and graphic description of underage child birth.

A funeral signified the ending of John Gilbride's life  in September 2002 but also changed the trajectory of the lives of many other people inside of MOVE that reveal a lot about how authoritarian cult structure works and how authorities seem to have been fearful of investigating MOVE. .  

If you have any information about the murder of John Gilbride or the allegations of abuse in MOVE that have been exposed in the podcast, please reach out via email at [email protected] or message us on social media. 

The producers of this podcast wish to stress that all individuals reference in this series are presumed innocent unless or until they are proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law in the United States of America.

Executive Produced, reported, hosted and edited by Beth McNamara
Archival producing by Robert Helms
Additional Season 1 producing by Ann Rogers.
Murder At Ryan's Run
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All individuals referenced in this podcast are presumed to be innocent unless or until they are found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt in a United States court of law.