In their sophomore installment, Adam Schwitters and Josh Duggan jump forward to Season 6, Episode 10 to unpack a Fin-centric entry into the canon entitled Haunted. Odafin Tutuola refuses to be slowed by trifles as insignificant as bullets, throwing recovery to the wind after being shot in the line of duty. With his past screeching into his present and everyone along for the ride, he dives back into the explosive world of narcotics with SVU’s Poochy, Hot Mike Sandoval, searching for the answers as to what happened to a wayward soul in the shadowy orbit of VANCE DENNIS, who Fin worked with as an undercover cop years earlier.


Divorcio Suave “Munchy Business”

15:20 - Harry Chapin “Cats in the Cradle” from Verities & Balderdash (1974)

17:50 - The National “Karen” from Alligator (2005)

19:57 - Anton Karas “The Third Man” from The Third Man (1949)

37:01 - Bryan Tyler “Rambo Returns” from Rambo (2008)

44:04 - Justin Townes Earle “Harlem River Blues” from Harlem River Blues (2010)

56:42 - Ed Alton “Theme from Head of the Class” from Head of the Class (1986)

Next Week's Episode: Season 19, Episode 8 "Intent"