Today we have a very, very special guest – a man I met only recently, about 4 weeks ago. His name is Dale Elliot and we met at a business event where we were asked to sit down and write down our goals of where we wanted to take our business.  Dale was at [...]

E16: Dale Elliot On How To Overcome The ‘Mind Noise’ is a post from: Mumpreneurs Online Work From Home Ideas by Fiona Lewis


Dale Elliot and his limit: the sky (Photo credits go to Curtis Morton)

Today we have a very, very special guest – a man I met only recently, about 4 weeks ago. His name is Dale Elliot and we met at a business event where we were asked to sit down and write down our goals of where we wanted to take our business.  Dale was at this event as one of the guest speakers and he came up to the table where I was and asked anybody wanted help.

We had a little bit of a conversation and within the space of ten minutes, Dale gave me something that had the most powerful and incredible impact on the way that I was viewing my world and my life.

What he’s going to share with you today is a little bit about what he shared with me that day.

The Art of Being Present

Dale shared the extremely valuable concept of being present. But he explained it to me in a different way to what I have heard before. Dale works closely with Eckhart Tolle and has a deep insight into his work.

Since that day, I’ve applied what Dales shared with me –  not only to my business life but  it has also had an incredible impact on how I am as a mother.

A Bit More About Dale…

Dale Elliot was a commercial pilot who had his career and life entirely planned out. Then about ten years ago, he had a motorbike accident which left him paralysed from the bellybutton down.

But that accident was a mind-shattering moment and it awoke in him the desire to learn how to manage the situation without being constantly frustrated and angry with the world. He succeeded in this mission and he now speaks to others about finding your passion and following your dreams.

His techniques help people become better partners and better friends, because they help them get away from the constant ‘mind noise’ most of use live with on a daily basis.

What is the ‘mind noise’?

It is a constant cycle of thoughts that go through our minds; the thoughts with which we wake up in the morning and those which don’t allow us to fall asleep in the evening. By listening to these thoughts we are wasting a lot of precious time of our lives because we are paying too much attention to unimportant things.

So during this week’s podcast, Dale shared with us three very important techniques which will help busy mothers shut down that constant flux of thoughts:

Identify your problems. Write your thoughts down. Are they really important? This will not only help you calm down, but it will also help you to take action rather than just postpone a thought for later.
Use post-it notes. Draw a small sign on them or write a short sentence which will remind you to be present. Stick them around the house: on the TV, on the microwaves, in the bedroom, etc. Be present.
Become the watcher of your thoughts. Divide thoughts into important and unimportant. Get rid of the latter and find solutions for the first. Never forget to live in the present, because the future does not exist!

Dale has already taken part of an Ultimate Web Blueprint Workshop in Sydney and he will be part of the workshop in Melbourne. So if you want to meet him, now is the time to make a subscription!

Must Have Tool of The Week:

Dale’s sticky notes – they are so efficient and really work so well that I cannot think of another tool which would be better suited for this section. Use post-its whenever you feel like things are getting out of control. Put a question mark on them or write a short message to help you get your feet back on earth. The notes will remind you to ask yourself:

Do these thoughts really matter?
Are you present?
Where is your mind right now?
Come back!

And focusing is one of the most important things when running a business. The sticky notes will help you focus, stay focused and reach your goals much faster!

You can contact Dale from his website.


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E16: Dale Elliot On How To Overcome The ‘Mind Noise’ is a post from: Mumpreneurs Online Work From Home Ideas by Fiona Lewis