Next Episode: Episode 3 Teaser

Episode 2 is LIVE! Available on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Google podcast all other podcasting platforms….

In this episode, I speak about sacrifice and learning to forgive yourself as a mother.

The biggest sacrifice I think we all make as mothers is that we give up who we were before we actually became mothers. In a way….our lives are put on hold to a certain extent once we bring a new life into this world. We deal with SO many emotions that we internalise just so we can be mothers to our babies. US mums can NEVER be discredited…the love that I have for my daughter BY FAR outweighs any sacrifices I’ve had to make (or that I’m still making).

One thing I’ve had to realise is that perfect mothers DON’T EXIST. I’ve had to forgive myself on so many different occasions. We teach our children that it’s ok to make mistakes and to forgive themselves yet we as mothers can be so hard on ourselves and struggle to take this same advice…..why is that?

“As parents, forgiving ourselves for not being perfect is an important step in giving ourselves permission to be human – and to grow along with our children” – Brian Raymond King

Take a listen to episode 2 to hear me open up about my personal sacrifices and the mum guilt I’ve had and experienced.