As Sapna struggles to support her widowed mother and sister, she decides to go ahead and sign a contract which will subject her to a series of “life tests”. What the tests are and when they will come, she does not know. Dramatised from Vikas Swarup’s best-selling novel “The Accidental Apprentice”.


Sapna – Rasika Dugal

Acharya – Vijay Chrishna

Karan – Neil Bhoopalam

Nirmila Ben / Rosie – Radhika Mital

Sapna’s Mother – Shernaz Patel

Raja – Sumeet Vyas

Kuldeep Singh / Roaji – Rajit Kapur

Neha – Amrita Puri

Priya Capoor / Pushpa / Female Judge – Ayesha Raza

Badan Singh / Politician / Constable – Kenny Desai

Madan – Vivek Madan

Neelam / Babli – Prerna Chawla

Rent Collector – Satchit Puranik


Sound Design - Steve Bond

Editing Assistant – Varun Bangera

Script Editor - Mike Walker

Assistant Producer - Toral Shah

Producer - Nadir Khan

Music - Sacha Putnam

Dramatised by Ayeesha Menon and John Dryden from the novel “ACCIDENTAL APPRENTICE” by Vikas Swarup.

Director - John Scott Dryden

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