What if we prepared for humanity to live another 10,000+ years on Earth? What can we store away for future generations? What will benefit our descendants as they survive and thrive in the far future? Listen to "Safekeeping & Humanity's Future - Conversation with Dr. Jean Walton" (Multi-Hazards Podcast S03 E02). Check out the Study Guide, click on the top left "PDF": https://multi-hazards.libsyn.com/safekeeping-humanitys-future-conversation-with-dr-jean-walton

Dr. Jean Walton Bio

Dr. Walton is professor of English at the University of Rhode Island, where she teaches modernism, film, and gender studies. She is the author of Fair Sex, Savage Dreams: Race, Psychoanalysis, Sexual Difference (Duke University Press, 2001) and coauthor, with Mary Cappello and James Morrison, of Buffalo Trace: A Threefold Vibration (Spuyten Duyvil Publishing, 2018). She wrote Mudflat Dreaming: Waterfront Battles and the Squatters Who Fought Them in 1970s Vancouver, published by New Star in 2018. This mini-Bio does not do justice to her, so please check out her longer Bio at the University of Rhode Island website: https://web.uri.edu/english/meet/jean-walton/