Emergency management is a diverse and busy field, not for the faint of heart. How can emergency managers do a better job of assisting communities to prepare for disasters? What exactly do emergency managers do on a daily basis? With a wealth of experience from both the United Kingdom and British Columbia, Canada, Paul Edmonds of Red Dragon Consulting answers these questions and more. And be sure to check out the Study Guide for the program! Click on the top left where it says "Pdf" above the date! hthttps://multi-hazards.libsyn.com/emergency-management-with-the-red-dragon-interview-with-paul-edmondstps://multi-hazards.libsyn.com/

Paul Edmonds' Bio

Paul Edmonds is Principal and Founder of Red Dragon Consulting, which does Emergency Management and Resilience Consultancy Services out of British Columbia (BC), Canada. He settled in BC in 2018 from a successful United Kingdom (UK) career. He has appreciation and gratitude to call the Okanagan his new home and acknowledges he works within First Nation territories who have inalienable Aboriginal Title and Rights.

His first role in BC was managing the Okanagan Similkameen BC floods, landslides, and fires of 2018. He went on to provide subject matter expert for the Boundary Flood Recovery in Kootenay Boundary and Grand Forks areas. In BC, Paul now assists many different governments and organizations in many different roles. Red Dragon has delivered advanced planning, response planning, flood response planning, wildfire communications, operational response procedures, gap analysis, and evacuation plans. Mitigation strategies and risk assessments. Grant writing including assisting on a major Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF). Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Design and Exercise. Industrial risks. Mentoring. Recommending measures to protect cultural heritage. Taken part in local and provincial workshops in shaping the future. To name a few. He also works with a number of qualified professionals to deliver resiliency and mitigation projects. Red Dragon's Principal Consultant and founder, Paul Edmonds, is a qualified supplier of emergency management in British Columbia, Canada.