With climate change speeding like a runaway train and the oil and gas industry (O&G) digging in its heels, electric vehicles (EVs) can be a game changer.  Why not come out of this COVID-19 pandemic leaner & greener and build a sustainable economy where we can all survive?   Listen to EV expert John Stonier in "Electric Vehicles Can Help Save the World" (Multi-Hazards Podcast S02 E18). Check out the Study Guide, click on the top left "PDF": https://multi-hazards.libsyn.com/electric-vehicles-can-help-save-the-world-conversation-with-john-stonier

John Stonier Bio

John Stonier is an electric mobility entrepreneur, enthusiast and advocate. He's also a professional Chartered Accountant, senior financial executive and experienced technology and company builder for a sustainable economy.  He's the President of the Vancouver Electric Vehicle Association (VEVA) in Canada's City of Vancouver on the West Coast.  For many years he's been an electric vehicle advocate, builder, expert and enthusiast, as well as leader, conference speaker and panelist.  Link: https://www.f6s.com/johnstoniercpaca