British Columbia, Canada, is pioneering a new Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) Hub, which includes Climate Change Adaptation (CCA). Disaster & climate risk expert Sahar Safaie is working with a team to make it happen! Find out how in this new Multi-Hazards podcast episode: Disaster Risk & Climate Adaptation Local & Global - Conversation with Sahar Safaie (Multi-Hazards Podcast S02 E11).  On Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, etc.  With Study Guide here on the top left where it says PDF:

Sahar Safaie's Bio

Sahar Safaie is the founder and principal consultant at Sage on Earth Consulting Ltd., operating from Vancouver, Canada. She specialises in disaster risk assessment and disaster risk management, with more than twelve years of experience in the public and private sector internationally.

Equipped with a strong technical background and years of exposure to the policy and governance challenges of disaster risk management in different countries, Sahar has a solid understanding of its critical components. The main areas of her expertise are multi-hazard risk assessments, risk data management, the use of risk information in disaster risk reduction (DRR) decision making and the design of action plans, and developing DRR strategies and linkages with climate change adaptation and sustainable development.

Her talents lie in the strategic analysis of complex systems and the development of consensus-based solutions, and these skills have always been recognised and utilised by her past employers and clients. She is a strong communicator, with a passion for people and a natural gift for building relationships based on trust and harmony.​

One of her recent projects while employed at the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is the "Words into Action Guidelines on National Disaster Risk Assessment." Sahar designed the scope and structure of this particular guideline and managed its development by closely interacting with more than 100 international experts. She also co-authored the main body of the guideline, that is, a policy guidance on the process of designing and managing a national risk assessment.