I might as well tell you right now: The next few Crizzlecasts are going to be lengthy. This is what happens when you have endlessly fascinating people for friends.
Today, we start with Simon Abrams, perhaps one of the most hard-working, freelance film critics out there. (You can read his published pieces on his blog.) But, along with having one of the most adorable handles on Twitter, he's also a podcaster himself.
I caught him before he took off to the Toronto Film Festival one Sunday night. And, for nearly two hours, we just riffed. We talked about The Reader (Kate Winslet's ass is in there as well), David Cronenberg, Paul Verhoeven, whether or not Lee Daniels is a shitty filmmaker and why must publicists make it so hard out there for a freelancing pimp.
I start to ramble near the end (this was bought on by drinking Francis Coppola wine), and Simon makes a high-pitched noise in the middle that still baffles me when I listened back to it. But, other than that, this is one entertaining-as-hell episode.

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