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On our December 11th, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

Snape: good or evil, bat or spider? Is JKR pulling a fast one on the fans by leaving clues INSIDE clues, or are we reading too much into it? The cast goes around the table with their opinions on Snape’s loyalty (or lack thereof) to both sides of the war. Kevin, Laura, and Eric look at His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass to premiere the book review segment, and we debate over which characters would win in a duel.

All that and more with Andrew, Ben, Eric, Kevin, and Laura on this week’s exciting, nineteenth episode of MuggleCast!

Ben’s Top 10 List

Send us your MuggleCast Christmas Carols in order to win a copy of the GOF Soundtrack!

We are not responsible for any injuries that may result in our singing them.

Andrew is NOT humble.

This week’s character: Severus Snape

Possible foreshadowing in the Triwizard Tournament?

Andrew thinks Snape has an evil twin.

Snape’s Patronus: bat or spider?

Is he good, evil, or working for himself?

Why didn’t Harry use Avada Kedavra?

Is Snape a vampire?

Spy on Spartz

Las Vegas Minute

New segment: The Dueling Club!

Harry vs. Draco?

Hermione vs. Draco?

Next week’s character: Hermione Granger

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On our December 11th, 2005 edition of MuggleCast…

Snape: good or evil, bat or spider? Is JKR pulling a fast one on the fans by leaving clues INSIDE clues, or are we reading too much into it? The cast goes around the table with their opinions on Snape’s loyalty (or lack thereof) to both sides of the war. Kevin, Laura, and Eric look at His Dark Materials: The Golden Compass to premiere the book review segment, and we debate over which characters would win in a duel.

All that and more with Andrew, Ben, Eric, Kevin, and Laura on this week’s exciting, nineteenth episode of MuggleCast!

Ben’s Top 10 List
Send us your MuggleCast Christmas Carols in order to win a copy of the GOF Soundtrack!
We are not responsible for any injuries that may result in our singing them.
Andrew is NOT humble.
This week’s character: Severus Snape
Possible foreshadowing in the Triwizard Tournament?
Andrew thinks Snape has an evil twin.
Snape’s Patronus: bat or spider?
Is he good, evil, or working for himself?
Why didn’t Harry use Avada Kedavra?
Is Snape a vampire?
Spy on Spartz
Las Vegas Minute
New segment: The Dueling Club!
Harry vs. Draco?
Hermione vs. Draco?
Next week’s character: Hermione Granger

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