It’s that time of year again to vote for the 7th annual Much Ado About Wrestling Top 10 Matches and Wrestlers of the Year Lists!!! Vote at the following links:Match of the YearWrestler of the Year By voting for each respective list, you gain one entry to our random draw for a $50 Pro Wrestling […]

It’s that time of year again to vote for the 7th annual Much Ado About Wrestling Top 10 Matches and Wrestlers of the Year Lists!!!

Vote at the following links:
Match of the Year
Wrestler of the Year

By voting for each respective list, you gain one entry to our random draw for a $50 Pro Wrestling Tee’s gift card!!! *Must be a US Resident*

Voting is open now through May 3rd.

About the Wrestling Calendar:
With no off-season in pro wrestling and multiple global promotions, it’s hard to delineate when a year of wrestling truly begins and ends. In this spirit, we mark the beginning of each “wrestling year” at the Monday after WrestleMania, and ending at the conclusion of the following WrestleMania.

Why do we do this? Simply because it is the largest show from the largest promotion, and one where various long storylines build to a head. It’s the cleanest version of a season finale, a championship game, a gold-medal event as we are going to get.

Criteria for Match of the Year:

Storytelling (In the entire lead up to the match, during the match, and after the match)

Platform (Did this get eyeballs or happen at important venues?)

Originality (Was there a finish or move we haven’t seen before? Did they find new ways to highlight a weapon or gimmick?)

Work Rate (The athletic performance of the wrestlers)

Moment (Was the match memorable? Did it leave us with an image that will go down in wrestling history?)

Wrestler of the Year Criteria:

Kayfabe Accomplishments (In storyline were they winning and defending titles, or at the top of the card?)

Usage (Were they consistently on the show, headlining pay per views, and getting dedicated on-screen time to develop character or storylines?)

Work Rate (Did they provide consistently great matches through in-ring athletic prowess? Were they turning out five star matches no matter who they worked with?)

Popularity (Did they get the best pops, did they achieve crossover appeal, were they tapping into great TV by evolving their character?)

Moments (When we think of 2023-2024 in wrestling history, will we see their faces? Will we think back to their spot, or their match, or their tv segment?)