Well things are escalating quickly on this show and we don’t just mean the ages of Tommy & Billy. Obviously the ending cameo will have a lot of people talking but we think that was just a way to distract from all the other things this latest episode of WandaVision dropped.

Acting Director Hayward definitely fucked up. He completely disregarded Vision’s Living Will and S.W.O.R.D had taken the remains of Vision apart. Wanda found out and lets just say she didn’t react well. Wanda clearly has a distrust and dislike of S.W.O.R.D but it seems like her anger is really directed at Hayward
We’ve been pointing out that Agnes is different from everyone else for a while now but this episode really drives that home. Agnes is always there when Vision or Wanda need something and when she “breaks character” it’s not really fear. She seems very committed to keeping Wanda in this illusion. Deep down we think Agnes is Agatha Harkness but time will tell
Wanda is definitely a villain here. The people she’s controlling are in pain while she keeps this illusion going. The question is how much of it is she doing on her own or is she being guided. Tommy & Billy are manifestations of Wanda but she also doesn’t seem to control them. But is that because she’s slowly losing control and her subconscious is doing it?
Vision at least now knows something is going on but he doesn’t get the full picture. Wanda’s reaction to him when he says “You can’t control me like you control them” should have sent a chill down everyone’s spine.
Let’s talk about that ending. There’s going to be a lot of talk about how “This is how they connect the Fox X-Men movies to the MCU” and we need to throw cold water on that. It’s honestly too small. It’s likely that we won’t see a lot of those previous Fox movies kept. Narratively this cameo makes sense because this episode takes place in the 80’s and Wanda (or someone who wants to keep Wanda focused on staying in the illusion) brought in the 80’s Pietro. Like we said last episode, this is really all leading to the Fantastic Four and really establishing Phase 4 as the multiverse phase. That doesn’t mean when Feige finally decides to do a X-Men film or series that it will directly tie to the Fox films. It’s still more likely that whatever Marvel Studios does with Deadpool 3 will have more indications on the direction of the X-Men because the Deadpool series is closer to the actual X-Men than the Fox X-Men movies ever were. Also, there’s been a recent change in the comics where Wanda and Pietro are no longer mutants or related to Magneto. They’ve always been more Avengers than X-Men and this might be the MCU reconciling that.

This has been a wild ride and we still have 4 episodes left. This has been an amazing first attempt at a series for the MCU and is really opening up the world. We’re able to finally fully explore the grief and hard life of Wanda and it’s even vindicating Age of Ultron (which we have a theory about that in our review). Strap in, cause the next 4 episodes are gonna be even crazier.

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