Hey look, the boys are back! We've got a few little topics to cover and one big one! We've got postponed Dreamhack events, Godzilla lands, Hasbro making face shields for medical personnel, an unfortunate young MFO player, and a teaser about the new Historic Anthology for Arena.

But the BIG news this week come from the innocently-named article, Sunsetting Planeswalker Points. What this article says is that you have until just before the end of May to check out your match history on the Planeswalker Points website before it DISAPPEARS FOREVER. So that's nice, just deleting the entire paper history of Magic forever. We'll go into more of the nuances of this whole thing in the episode of course. But needless to say, this is a really crappy way to handle this sort of thing.

Watch the video version here: https://youtu.be/H_bhDixb1As

Join us live Monday nights at twitch.tv/themanapool

Your Hosts:
Chewie - @TheManaPool
Squee - @SqueeGoblnNabob
Cluze - @lacluyze

Dreamhack postpones events | https://magic.gg/news/dreamhack-dallas-arena-open-cancelled
Secret Lair: Godzilla Lands | https://magic.wizards.com/en/articles/archive/news/announcing-secret-lair-drop-series-godzilla-lands-2020-04-24
Hasbro making face shields | https://www.cnn.com/2020/04/26/business/hasbro-face-shields-coronavirus/index.html
Why you should read the rules first | https://twitter.com/LJakobovits/status/1256656667606781952
Sunsetting Planeswalker Points (Deleting the history of paper Magic) | https://magic.gg/news/sunsetting-planeswalker-points
PWP Exporter tool | https://github.com/giventofly/exportpwp/blob/master/README.md
Historic Anthology 3 coming | https://mtgazone.com/historic-anthology-3-and-permanent-ranked-queues-coming-may-21-two-cards-spoiled/
Magicfest Online Season 2 Weekly Championship 1 | https://www.channelfireball.com/all-strategy/magicfest-online-weekly-championship-2-top-8-deck-lists-season-2/
MFO Season 2 Week 1 winner | https://www.channelfireball.com/all-strategy/news/james-ramsey-wins-magicfest-online-season-2-week-1/
MFO Season 2 Week 2 Top 8 | https://www.channelfireball.com/all-strategy/magicfest-online-weekly-championship-top-8-deck-lists-2/
MFO Season 2 Week 2 winner | https://www.channelfireball.com/all-strategy/home/oliver-tiu-wins-magicfest-online-weekly-championship/

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