Season 15, Episode 15: Brewing with Antony Mannino, and Taking a look at Microstep

On today´s episode Morde gets joined by good friend of the podcast Anthony, better known as IpladBadDecks, as they take a dive into some of his newest brews for the Modern Format.

Starting high and mighty with a favourite of old mono white enjoyers, Martyr Proc. The deck got a brand new toy in the form of Lurrus-lite (Serra Paragon), enabling it to buy back practically any card in the deck, be it a Captain-Ranger of Eos for some good grinding potential, or an Abiding Grace to enable a kami fog lock.

From there they take a leap into Rakdos Waste Not, with the addition of Pioneer All-Star Sheoldred, The Apocalypse, providing the deck with an additional payoff for its burning inquiry turns, as your opponets cycle through their hands.

And that´s only half of it, join our crew as they go deep into 2 other decks, and keep looking into ways to keep the format fresh and interesting


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Decklists for this episode can be viewed at
