Kaldheim Season, Episode 9: Birgi, God of Storytelling // Harnfel, Horn of Bounty

When evaluating new cards, a quick hack is to look for anything that cheats on mana. These are the cards that can really do something special. Cheating out a 7 mana Tibalt? Yep, that tracks. Fistfuls of Treasure off Magda? Sign us up.

This week continues that trend. Birgi, God of Storytelling is a cost reducer dialed up to 11. Her front face resembles Baral, Chief of Compliance or Goblin Electromancer: mana engines that scale the more spells you cast. But Birgi is even more generous. Cards that cost 1 are completely free, and cards that cost zero actually send up you mana. Mishra’s Bauble becomes a ritual; Mox Amber becomes Seething Song.

Once you have this much mana, all you’re looking for is a source of cards. Birgi makes this easy as you please: just flip the card over and you have Harnfel, Horn of Bounty, a multi-use Magmatic Channeler that trades each card in your hand for two fresh ones. Standard players learned to fear the pairing of Runaway Steam-Kin and Experimental Frenzy; Birgi gives you both effects on the same card.

All told, Birgi is shockingly open-ended, capable of supporting existing engine decks or perhaps spawning new archetypes all her own. We’ve got seven lists to test across multiple formats, so let’s see what Birgi can do!


View decklists for this episode at FaithlessBrewing.com


Decklists for Birgi // Harnfel

Sketch 1: Boros Showdown Storm

Sketch 2: Temur Artifact Ramp

Sketch 3: Pioneer Song of Creation

Sketch 4: Modern Birgi Song

Sketch 5: Birgi Grinding Breach by Nilsfit (5-0 league)

Sketch 6: UR Prowess

Sketch 7: Birgi Waste Not

Flashback: Magda, Brazen Outlaw

Magda Jeskai Ascendancy: 1-4 league

Temur Treasures: 0-4 league

Jeskai Dwarf Tempo: 2-3 league

Aura of Dominion Combo: 2-3 league


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