Kaldheim Season, Episode 06: Magda, Brazen Outlaw


The most dangerous mechanic in Magic? Fast mana. Always has been, always will be. Cards that produce bursts of mana are the rarest of the rare. Cards that do so repeatedly wind up on banned lists.

Imagine our surprise, then, when Kaldheim introduced us to Magda, Brazen Outlaw. Cheap, repeatable Treasures on an aggressive tribal lord, with a free repeatable tutor clause thrown in? Wizards is playing with F.I.R.E. here, gambling that the paltry Dwarf options will keep Magda in check. But don't believe the short sellers. There's incredible power to be unlocked, and Magda has diamond hands.

Context is everything, of course. Whether recruiting fellow Dwarves, or identifying Dragon or artifact payoffs, or unlocking obscure combos (Clock of Omens? Aura of Dominion?), one thing is certain: Magda is going to make us work for it. We've got four new lists to test and a half dozen more on the drawing board, so let's get to work!



2:08 Magda Rules Notes

3:47 Tap Outlets

6:59 Are There Playable Dwarves?

10:05 Dragon Payoffs

13:56 Artifact Payoffs

18:01 Mana Sinks

20:22 Treasure Makers

22:47 Clock of Omens Combo

26:33 Aura of Dominion Combo

28:09 Paradox Engine Combo

30:49 Sketch 1: Magda Clock Combo (Modern) (3-2 league)

35:50 Sketch 2: Jeskai Dwarf Tempo (Modern)

44:38 Sketch 3: Boros Dwarves (Pioneer)

49:49 Sketch 4: Temur Treasures (Pioneer)