Esse dia chegou! Mundo, conheçam o Passo Monstruoso:

Este preview foi cedido gratuitamente pela Wizards of the Coast para o MTGC.

E, para apresentar da melhor forma possível, o podcast extra de hoje é um claro exemplo do que um Passo Monstruoso pode fazer.

Para isso, criamos um áudio-drama de 6 minutos para dar um pouco o tom dessa carta.

A quarta temporada do MTGC é um oferecimento da BurnMana

O MTGC também é trazido até você pelos padrinhos! Acesse www.padrim.com.br/mtgc e saiba como ajudar o projeto a se manter! Esses são os padrinhos nos níveis a partir do Evangelizador do Magic:

Cícero Augusto
Diego Leão Diniz
Dennys Garcia
Filipe Santiago Augusto
Pedro Augusto Gregory

Créditos deste episódio:

Esse áudio-drama não existiria sem a ajuda dessas pessoas:

Marido – Vinícius Weizenmann

Esposa – Be Turba

Apresentador do Charles Show – Charles Müller

Âncora do Jornal – Carolina Moraes

Repórter I – Raphael Bianco Hauer-King

Bióloga Especialista – Maria Luísa Vargas de Ávila

Prefeito – André Manenti

Repórter II – Thiago Seixas

Direção – Letícia Schmit

Direção de Som – Luís Felipe Fernandes

Produção Executiva – Vinícius Weizenmann

Roteiro – Vinícius Weizenmann


[destruction noises, near and far, sirens]

[steps on a wooden floor]

HUSBAND: What is going on in this town? Now they tell me I can’t leave the house anymore. I don’t get it!

[tea kettle whistle, tea pouring, steps]

WIFE: Calm down, honey, there’s nothing to be done. Have you checked the windows?

HUSBAND: I did. All I can see are some huge shadows, I can’t really make what shapes they are. What tea is this?

WIFE: It’s chamomile tea. I brewed some to fend off some of the anxiety. Sugar?

HUSBAND: No, I’m trying to cut back on calories.

[sipping, teaspoons, destruction noises further away]

[sirens and loud crowds]

HUSBAND: But what’s with all this fuss! I can’t understand all of this concern. They can’t have failed to find a solution. I wonder if this is an invasion by one of these surrounding nations…

WIFE: Well, if it were war, I think we’d have heard something on the radio, right?

[small pause]

BOTH, IN UNISON: Of course! The radio!

[radio turned on, static, pops]

HUSBAND: Insult to injury! The radio’s broken!

[static increases, a voice emerges]

CHARLES, THROUGH THE RADIO: C-H-A-R-L-E-S SHOOOW! We are live, right from our studios, yeees... well, today’s not a normal day, ladies and gentlemen (…)

HUSBAND: We’ll finally get it!

WIFE, WHISPERING: Shh! Let’s hear it!

CHARLES: (...) since everyone’s intrigued with all the news. What would this creature be? Yep, not even in the craziest fantasy books we’d imagine anything like it. That reminds me of stories in the movies all the way from Japan, but nooo, nooo, it is real. But: what is, in fact, real?

WIFE: Ugh, Charles is going all philosophical again, as usual. Just switch to the news!

[radio dials, static]

NEWS ANCHOR CAROLINA, THROUGH THE RADIO: The news isn’t quite clear, and nothing seems obvious. We only know about the appearance of a creature taller than buildings. Let’s check with our field reporter, right where the creature is… good afternoon, Raphael.

[sirens on the background]

REPORTER RAPHAEL: Good afternoon, Carolina, good afternoon, listeners! We are here, and natural science experts have been trying to understand what this creature is, and where it came from.

[loud steps; the creature roars]

REPORTER: What we know is that it does not seem interested in attacking the city; therefore, citizens can rest easy.

ANCHOR: …Right, Raphael, but what does this creature look like?

REPORTER: I think the closest description I can provide is that it looks like a rhinoceros, but in colossal proportions. On its back,


Esse dia chegou! Mundo, conheçam o Passo Monstruoso:

Este preview foi cedido gratuitamente pela Wizards of the Coast para o MTGC.

E, para apresentar da melhor forma possível, o podcast extra de hoje é um claro exemplo do que um Passo Monstruoso pode fazer.

Para isso, criamos um áudio-drama de 6 minutos para dar um pouco o tom dessa carta.

A quarta temporada do MTGC é um oferecimento da BurnMana

O MTGC também é trazido até você pelos padrinhos! Acesse www.padrim.com.br/mtgc e saiba como ajudar o projeto a se manter! Esses são os padrinhos nos níveis a partir do Evangelizador do Magic:

Cícero Augusto

Diego Leão Diniz

Dennys Garcia

Filipe Santiago Augusto

Pedro Augusto Gregory

Créditos deste episódio:

Esse áudio-drama não existiria sem a ajuda dessas pessoas:

Marido – Vinícius Weizenmann

Esposa – Be Turba

Apresentador do Charles Show – Charles Müller

Âncora do Jornal – Carolina Moraes

Repórter I – Raphael Bianco Hauer-King

Bióloga Especialista – Maria Luísa Vargas de Ávila

Prefeito – André Manenti

Repórter II – Thiago Seixas

Direção – Letícia Schmit

Direção de Som – Luís Felipe Fernandes

Produção Executiva – Vinícius Weizenmann

Roteiro – Vinícius Weizenmann


[destruction noises, near and far, sirens]

[steps on a wooden floor]

HUSBAND: What is going on in this town? Now they tell me I can’t leave the house anymore. I don’t get it!

[tea kettle whistle, tea pouring, steps]

WIFE: Calm down, honey, there’s nothing to be done. Have you checked the windows?

HUSBAND: I did. All I can see are some huge shadows, I can’t really make what shapes they are. What tea is this?

WIFE: It’s chamomile tea. I brewed some to fend off some of the anxiety. Sugar?

HUSBAND: No, I’m trying to cut back on calories.

[sipping, teaspoons, destruction noises further away]

[sirens and loud crowds]

HUSBAND: But what’s with all this fuss! I can’t understand all of this concern. They can’t have failed to find a solution. I wonder if this is an invasion by one of these surrounding nations…

WIFE: Well, if it were war, I think we’d have heard something on the radio, right?

[small pause]

BOTH, IN UNISON: Of course! The radio!

[radio turned on, static, pops]

HUSBAND: Insult to injury! The radio’s broken!

[static increases, a voice emerges]

CHARLES, THROUGH THE RADIO: C-H-A-R-L-E-S SHOOOW! We are live, right from our studios, yeees… well, today’s not a normal day, ladies and gentlemen (…)

HUSBAND: We’ll finally get it!

WIFE, WHISPERING: Shh! Let’s hear it!

CHARLES: (…) since everyone’s intrigued with all the news. What would this creature be? Yep, not even in the craziest fantasy books we’d imagine anything like it. That reminds me of stories in the movies all the way from Japan, but nooo, nooo, it is real. But: what is, in fact, real?

WIFE: Ugh, Charles is going all philosophical again, as usual. Just switch to the news!

[radio dials, static]

NEWS ANCHOR CAROLINA, THROUGH THE RADIO: The news isn’t quite clear, and nothing seems obvious. We only know about the appearance of a creature taller than buildings. Let’s check with our field reporter, right where the creature is… good afternoon, Raphael.

[sirens on the background]

REPORTER RAPHAEL: Good afternoon, Carolina, good afternoon, listeners! We are here, and natural science experts have been trying to understand what this creature is, and where it came from.

[loud steps; the creature roars]

REPORTER: What we know is that it does not seem interested in attacking the city; therefore, citizens can rest easy.

ANCHOR: …Right, Raphael, but what does this creature look like?

REPORTER: I think the closest description I can provide is that it looks like a rhinoceros, but in colossal proportions. On its back, it looks like some vegetation. Something like trees? But I can’t discern clearly. There are horns everywhere.

ANCHOR: That is indeed spectacular! I believe the listeners could grasp the situation right now. It is important to follow recommendations and stay home. Thank you so much, Raphael!

REPORTER: Thank you, Carolina. Have a great aftern–

[radio is turned off; running steps to the window]

WIFE: Honey, are you okay?

HUSBAND, FROM AFAR: Yes! I just want to take a look at it. I can’t believe it… where is this monster?

[long pause, more steps, louder sinerns]

HUSBAND: I can’t believe I’m going to miss this! It’s historical!

WIFE: Calm down, this might happen again! There can’t be only one monster! Breathe, let’s finish our tea.

HUSBAND: Right. Maybe the tea can help me relax a bit.

[long pause, pouring, teaspoons mixing, horns]

[loud roar, much closer; ground shakes at small intervals]

HUSBAND: Oh my God, it’s here! Why won’t it go to hell already!

WIFE: Just calm down! The reporter said it wouldn’t hit the city.

HUSBAND: They don’t even know what this monster is! They’re just saying that, so we stay home. They’re hiding something…

WIFE: You settle, mister! This will come to nothing. Breathe! Let’s see what they’re saying on the radio, come on.

[radio is turned on]

REPORTER: We’re here with Dr. Luiza, she’s a specialist in Paleontology and will explain to us what this creature possibly might be. Good afternoon, Luisa. What do you make of what we’re seeing?

LUIZA: We still don’t know the origin of the creature; it seems like it could be a missing link within evolution between the Amphibia class (that is, frogs and salamanders) and the Reptilia class (that is, crocodiles and–

REPORTER, WHISPERING: Oh my God, it’s going into town…

PRODUCER, HISSING: Raphael! Cut! Cut!

REPORTER: Cut my *ss! We gotta give the news here! Don’t panic, but AGHHH [short pause] Holy sh*t, now we’re f*cked!

[loud demolition noises; roaring; more ground shaking]

[cut to an afternoon news opening song]

REPORTER THIAGO: Good afternoon, Mayor. Do you have any plan to contain these creatures?

MAYOR: Good afternoon, Thiago. Specialists are working to comprehend the nature of these monsters. There is nothing to be afraid of right now; these creatures do not seem to be here for destruction.

THIAGO: Uhh, Mayor? If they don’t want destruction, how do you explain this house?

MAYOR: We are still looking into what happened. Something might have attracted the creature here. It came to this point and went back out.

THIAGO, IRRITABLY: It came to this point and went back out?! Ugh, Mayor. People died here. More will die if nothing is done!

MAYOR: It is important for us not to panic. Studies are being conducted to understand if these creatures are a threat, or if they can be useful. We must first understand them, before considering extermination.

[people screaming, horns, and sirens on the background]


“Monstruous Step, 4G

Sorcery, Uncommon

Target creature gets +7/+7 until end of turn. Up to one target creature blocks it this turn if it’s able. Cycling (2).”


HUSBAND – Vinícius Weizenmann

WIFE – Be Turba

CHARLES – Charles Müller

NEWS ANCHOR – Carolina Moraes

REPORTER 1 – Raphael Bianco Hauer-King

BIOLOGIST – Maria Luísa Vargas de Ávila

REPORTER 2 – Thiago Seixas

MAYOR – André Manenti

DIRECTION – Letícia Schmit

SOUND DIRECTION – Luís Felipe Fernandes

EXECUTIVE PRODUCTION – Vinícius Weizenmann

WRITING – Vinícius Weizenmann


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