Eduardo Sajgalik is a multinational traveler based in the UK, though he started playing in France. He got his first Pro Point in 2006. He made Top 8 at Pro Tour Return to Ravnica in 2012, has 4 Grand Prix Top 8s under his belt, and has made Top 8 at 4 Nationals. A fun fact about our guest, he has played on 3 National teams: Canada (2008), UK (2011), England (2013).

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Eduardo Sajgalik when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor today! Click here:

First Set


Favorite Set

Time Spiral

Favorite Card

Riftwing Cloudskate

Early Challenge

Deck Construction

Level Up Moment

His first two Pro Tours really taught Eduardo that there IS "another level", and he dedicated himself to reach it.

How to Choose a Standard Deck

Look at the top 32 decks of recent events.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

People are stuck up in their own ideas. If you are not open to new ideas then it stops your improvement. If 20 people are giving you similar feedback, you should probably listen.

Deepest Thing You've Learned About Yourself

Eduardo wants to be social. Magic lets you make long lasting friendships.

What's in Your Tournament Bag


Deck Box





Cereal Bar


Trail Mix

Improvement Suggestions

FNM is a perfect experimental format. Try stuff out and have fun.

Look at the top 32 decks of a tournament. Those decks were 1 win away from the top 8. This will give you a better idea of which decks are doing well than just looking at the Top 8 list.

Watch high-level Magic match ups. This will help you internalize the lines of play so they aren't new when they happen to you.

Connect With Eduardo Sajgalik

Twitter: @Walaoumpa

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