Chris VanMeter (CVM) provides content for Star City Games in the form of articles and videos and also Streams. Chris has had great success on the Star City Games Open Series with 14 Open Top 8's and an Invitational Finals. Having played Magic for almost 20 years, CVM enjoys his role in helping the game grow by bringing content to everyone. Chris VanMeter lives in Seattle WA.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Chris VanMeter when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor today! Click here:

First Set


Favorite Set


Favorite Card

Tradewind Rider

Level Up Moment

During the Zendikar Standard period Chris grew a lot. He put up some great results and got on the map as a high level player.

Proudest Magic Moment

Top 8 of Star City Games Season Two Open Invitational.

Best Format

Legacy (favorite)

How to Choose a Standard Deck

Identify what decks you will see at the next Standard event by reviewing the top decks from the last tournament. All the decks will have a slight edge over the others that you can pick any of those big decks and do well. With practice and solid side boarding you can do very well.

Biggest Mistake Players Make


Most players are afraid to mulligan. With the new mulligan rule the mental barrier against tossing a hand should be much lower.

Especially in games 2 and 3, after you've seen your opponent's deck, mulliganing to a better hand is a tactic that many can improve on.

Card Evaluation Tips

Are there cards that fit in an existing archetype or "build around me" cards? A good example of a "build around me" card is [card]Bring to Light[/card]. It did not fit in any existing decks but obviously has some power so it's a "build around me".

How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Event

Play a bunch of games with the deck you are going to take. Pay special attention to the side board.

What's in Your Tournament Bag



Dice Brick





Improvement Suggestions

Consume as much Magic content as you can. (Streams, articles, podcasts.)

Ask questions. Don't think that the big names are unapproachable. Reach out to them on social media and ask questions.

Magic Resource

Star City Games

Channel Fireball

TCG Player


Connect With Chris VanMeter

Twitter: @Chris_VanMeter

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Let me know what you like and what I can do better so I can make the show the best it can be and continue bringing you valuable content.

I read every single one and look forward to your feedback.


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