Brian Braun-Duin produces strategy articles and video content for He has Top 8'd four Grand Prix and won two: Grand Prix Louisville and Grand Prix New Jersey. Brian lives in Virginia.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Brian Braun-Duin when he shared his story on MTG Pro Tutor today! Click here:

First Set

Time Spiral

Favorite Set

Time Spiral



Favorite Card

Phyrexian Arena

What makes Magic: The Gathering fun for you?

Brian loves solving puzzles and Magic feels like a puzzle to him. 

What deck should you play at a tournament? What sequence do you need to play to win? These questions fuel Brian's love of Magic.

Early Challenge

Tunnel vision. Brian was so focused on card advantage and getting small, incremental advantages that he would miss the big picture. 

There is always a card that can unravel your carefully laid plans so keep your eye on the big picture. Winning is better than card advantage.

Proudest Magic Moment

Winning Grand Prix Louisville

Best Format


How to Choose a Standard Deck

Review the top 3-5 decks using tournament reports and choose a deck that's well positioned against those.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Not having a plan.

Brian is constantly thinking "How do I win from here?" He sequences and makes plays that gives him the best chance to win.

Card Evaluation Tips

Compare new cards to older similar cards. This will form the base line.

Sealed & Draft Tips

Make three piles per color.

WOW / Bombs
I Don't Want to Play These

Next look at what your two best colors are. Consider your mana base and whether the format can support splashing of building a three color deck.

Drafting: Take into consideration your first pick, but more importantly track what's being passed to you so you can see what's opened.

How to Effectively Play Test

Always give yourself a couple of questions to answer during a play test session.

"Is this card good in this match up?"
"Is my side board plan good in a certain match up?"

By answering questions you will get the most out of your play sessions.

Improvement Suggestions

Go to your game store and network with the other players.

Ask questions, play, borrow, lend and be a friend. The social side of Magic: The Gathering is great

Magic Resource

Channel Fireball

Star City Games

Connect With Brian Braun-Duin

Twitter: @BraunDuinIt

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