Niklas Dahlquist is a Swedish player who has been playing Magic since 1994. He started playing more competitively in the last year and positioned top 4 in this year's Magic Online Championship. He really likes playing Limited and plays every single night (mostly). He recently started streaming on Twitch and can be found at Niklas lives in Stockholm, Sweden.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Niklas Dahlquist when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set


Favorite Set


Favorite Card

All the Dual Lands

Worst Magic Moment

Having nightmares before the 2018 MOCS.

Proudest Magic Moment

Top3 of the 2018 MOCS.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Over/underestimating their opponent. Specifically for Online, if you lose several times, take a break before you queue again.


Be friendly and treat each player with kindness.

Parting Guidance

Have fun playing Magic. You get better results when you love the game.

Connect With Niklas Dahlquist


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on


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