Brian Braun-Duin is the 2016 World Champion, has 1 Pro Tour top 16 and 11 Grand Prix Top 8s, with 2 Grand Prix wins. He also writes articles at Brian lives in Roanoke, Virginia.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Brian Braun-Duin when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

2016 World Champion Recap

Brian shifted to playing the best deck for an event instead of a pet deck.

How to Determine the Best Deck

Look at results from tournaments and Magic online events as a starter.


Treat your opponent with respect and handle yourself with class.


Relationships and people are more important than Magic. Take time to think about what others might think about you and the situation.

Lose With Class

Look at the big picture. If you consider the one game of Magic to be the end-all be-all then it will be hard to swallow. By having a big picture perspective, you'll realize it's not the only match that matters.

Graceful Winner

Feel free to celebrate but be mindful you don't "rub it in".

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Tunnel Vision. Some players have a plan and execute that plan no matter what often to their detriment.

Parting Guidance

Have fun!

Magic Resource

Being Right Instead of Being Correct; On Kindness

Connect With Brian Braun-Duin


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on




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