Daniel Gardner is a 26-year-old Business Development Manager for a Global biscuit manufacturer. He's been playing magic since 8th Edition/Mirrodin and enjoys watching and playing football, playing poker and of course Magic. He's the 2009 UK National Champion and placed 3rd and 8th at the UK Nationals in 2010 and 2017. He placed 19th at Pro Tour San Diego 2010 and 4th at GP Florence 2015. Daniel comes from London, UK.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Daniel Gardner when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here: http://bit.ly/mtgprotutor-ep251

First Set

8th Edition/Mirrodin

Favorite Set


Favorite Card

Baneslayer Angel

Early Challenge

Playing right decks. Daniel would get bored and switch decks too often.

Worst Magic Moment

At Pro Tour San Diego 2010, Daniel had 3 win-and-ins to make it to top 8 and lost all there. Daniel still got his best Pro Tour record yet.
Take a step back and recognize what you've done well.

Proudest Magic Moment

Winning UK Nationals 2009.

What Have You Learned From Magic

Making decisions with Limited decisions and then dealing with the results.

Best Format


Biggest Mistake Players Make

Players don't control their tells and give away too much. Stay cool you cause your opponent to question.

How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Event

Daniel checked out the metagame using online sites and identified a few decks that he felt he'd like.
He doesn't like going to a tournament with a tweaked deck that just won an event so he a winning lost and practiced.

Parting Guidance

Enjoy playing. Remember it's a game and if you want to do well, practice and network.

Connect With Daniel Gardner

Daniel can be found in the MTG Pro Tutor Facebook group.

Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on www.magicthestory.com
