Gregory Michel is a graduate student and competitive Magic player in Minneapolis MN. He mostly plays Limited but also dabbles in Standard and Commander as well. He recently made Top 8 for the first time at a Grand Prix by piloting UW Monument to 7 places at GP Denver!

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Gregory Michel when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set


Favorite Set

Battle for Zendikar

Favorite Card

Munda,Ambush Leader

Early Challenge

The first competitive event was a Grand Prix in D.C. 2014. Gregory cashed this event and the next 3 GP's. However, he hit a low and that was the struggle he faced.

Worst Magic Moment

Experiencing the stress of putting too much pressure on himself. Greg learned that Magic is a hobby and should be an escape.

Proudest Magic Moment

GP Omaha where Greg played Multiple Platinum Pros and was one win start of making top 8.

What Have You Learned From Magic

When Greg applies himself to something he likes with a friend he can succeed.

Magic Mentors

Andrew Elenbogen of Episode 108.

Growth As A Player

Playing a bunch of formats has improved Greg's Magic instincts.


Self-confidence pops up for Greg. He doesn't think of himself as a great player.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

People feel a need to prove they are good. In reality, they should listen to others and learn as much as they could.

How to Effectively Prepare for a Big Event

Greg found a deck that he liked and took it to events and practiced a lot with friends.

Parting Guidance

Have fun when you play. Magic is a hobby so have fun.

Magic Resource

MTG Goldfish, Reddit, SCG

Connect With Gregory Michel


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



Twitter Mentions