Eric English has cashed many Grand Prix and has 1 Grand Prix top 8 and a Pro Tour top 32, both in 2016. He’s a Silver Level Pro looking to continue the success he had last year. Eric is from Rochester, New York.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Eric English when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set


Favorite Set


Favorite Card

Engineered Explosives

Early Challenge

Eric's deck selection skills were sub par. By consuming content Eric was able to get a better feel for the metagame.

Breakthrough Moment

SCG Open in 2014, Eric played a Rabble Red deck and took 2nd.

Worst Magic Moment

At a local invite is the only tournament Eric lost his chance to make top 8 and he tilted really bad. He made a fool of himself. Now he thinks of the game in terms of resource management. Eric views his emotions and mental energy as a resource.

Proudest Magic Moment

Winning an SCG Open while visiting a friend in Washington.

What have You Learned from Magic

The practice of thinking through multiple scenarios.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Misunderstanding the flow of the game. Combat this by thinking on your opponent's turn and shortening your gameplay actions.


Eric loses focus when he's winning.

Improvement Suggestions

Have fun. Play the game. Magic has many forms.

Connect With Eric English

Eric can be found in the MTG Pro Tutor Facebook group.

Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on

