Cash Turner has been playing Magic off and on for twenty years. He made Top 16 at Grand Prix Las Vegas in 2015 and Top 8 at Grand Prix Atlanta. He’s just a back room scallywag of ChannelFireball with a squad of ChannelFireball locals who have the heart and grit but not the spotlight. He’s blessed to be surrounded by low tier secret gods.

Click to Tweet: I got a ton of value from Cash Turner when he shared his story on #MTGProTutor! Listen here:

First Set


Favorite Set

Return to Ravnica

Favorite Card


Underrated Card

Bastion Mastodon

Early Challenge

Cash was very opinionated and arrogant. He recognizes now that he didn't learn all he could.

Worst Magic Moment

Cash made a terrible attack against Ben Stark at GP Vegas 2015 and missed making Top 8. Learn to focus on what's important. Don't get distracted by big creatures or planeswalkers.

Proudest Magic Moment

Through clever body language Cash defeated an opponent at GP Albuquerque when he had an inferior deck.

Best Format

Limited - Sealed

Deepest Thing You've Learned About Yourself

Always wanted to figure out life. Magic has taught Cash about who he could be and how he doesn't want to be. He never wants to be a angry jerk.

Biggest Mistake Players Make

Play the game how you want to play. Don't copy the styles of others.


Memorize draft picks.

Daily Rituals

Rejecting the modern draw of constant entertainment. You can't get grit w/o a little bit of boring along the way.


Everything is in the fringes. Be polite.

Pro Player You Look Up To

Paul Cheon
Cash's Squad

Magic Resource

Cash plays a lot and doesn't read as much.
Follow Greg Hatch

Connect With Cash Turner


Check Out Magic Story

Magic Story brings the lore of the Multiverse to life in an audio presentation never before heard in the Magic community.

Listen to Episode 1 here or on



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