Are you stuck in a rut? Feeling trapped by life? Well, it's better than being stuck in a well or trapped in a cave. Cleithrophobia is the "fear of being trapped" and honestly, it doesn't seem like it's that unreasonable. Having to hack off your own arm to free yourself from a massive boulder? Doesn't sound like a lot of fun.

This week we shine our searchlight on real and fictional people who have been trapped - both in a physical space or somewhere more metaphysical.


Michael's Choices

Baby Jessica

"Baby Jessica Rescued from a Well As the World Watches" - "Baby Jessica: 25 Years Later" - Texas Magazine

The Donner Party

"10 Things You Should Know About the Donner Party" - "The Donner Party" - PBS' The American Experience

Paul Sheldon from "Misery"

"The Gruesome Inside Story of Misery's Terrifying Ankle-Bashing Scene" - Yahoo "The Blunt Reason Misery Had To Change Its Most Gruesome Scene" - Cinema Blend


"Winnie-the-Pooh and the Honey Tree" - The Disney Wikia

Richard's Choices

Phil Connors from "Groundhog Day"

"Groundhog Day: The Perfect Comedy, For Ever" - The Guardian "8 Creative Interpretations of Groundhog Day" - Mental Floss

Sam Beckett from "Quantum Leap"

"The Series Finale That Helped Us Cope With Lost and Every Other Disappointing Finale Since" - Uproxx

Shin Sang-ok and Choi Eun-hee

"The Producer from Hell" - The Guardian "Acting for Film or Acting for Life?" - NPR

Sailors of the USS Indianapolis

"The Worst Shark Attack in History" - Smithsonian Magazine "Captain McVay" -