Richard, Michael and Jeff open their kimonos and let in an expert, Club WAKA events guru Sa Dao, to discuss the thing that has brought them all together in friendship: Kickball. Well, adult kickball. It's the same as children's kickball, but with more taxes, heart attacks and identity crises.


2:05 - Team Names (Sa’s Choice/Michael’s Choice)

6:47 - Breakups/Team Breakups (Richard’s Choice)

12:00 - Bunting (Michael’s Choice)

15:30 - Flip Cup (Sa’s Choice)

20:52 - Making Friends/Making Enemies (Richard’s Choice)

26:00 - Don’t Be That Guy Guy (Michael’s Choice)

31:38 - Theme Night Games (Sa’s Choice)

36:55 - First Good Kick (Richard’s Choice)

46:12 - WAKA Reps Running Things (Sa’s Choice)

42:45 - Moving? Join Kickball (Michael’s Choice)

53:43 - Injuries (Richard’s Choice)