Grocery shopping is one of those things that ALL of us have to do, whether you are making a big trip to get your weekly meal supplies or just need to stop in to grab a few things. Depending on your point of view (and the check-out line), it can either be a relaxing way to spend some time or a trip to a hellish nightmare.

(This also depends on if you go to Costco or not.)

This week we're diving into grocery shopping and all of the wonderful/awful things about it. And don't worry, our choices add up to less than 10 items.


Check-Out Line Profiling (Michael's Choice) The Express Line (Richard's Choice) Going to a New Grocery Store (Michael's Choice) Self Check-Out (Richard's Choice) Not Cooking After Shopping (Michael's Choice) The Clearance Section (Richard's Choice) The Cereal Aisle as a Kid (Michael's Choice) Late Night Family Shopping (Richard's Choice)