We all know that we should eat healthier. But no one has ever come home from a miserable day at work and decided that the only thing that would make them feel better is a kale salad. When you are leaning on food as the crutch to get you through this slog we call life, you want carbs, sugar and/or greasy meat.

We’re talking about our favorite comfort foods this week – the meals that make us feel all warm and squishy inside, and fat and squishy outside. What’s your all-time comfort food?


Butter noodles (Michael’s Choice) Boxed mac ‘n’ cheese (Richard’s Choice) Grilled cheese and tomato soup (Michael’s Choice) Chicken McNuggets (Richard’s Choice) Numero Uno Pizza (Michael’s Choice) Little Caesars Pizza (Richard’s Choice) Pint of Gold Medal Ribbon ice cream (Michael’s Choice) Bacon sandwiches (Richard’s Choice)