We are a week out from the upcoming event from Microsoft and it almost feels a bit like Christmas Eve as many people, including us, are excited to get our hands on with these new devices that Microsoft will be unveiling.

This episode is a bit shorter than most and really has no real direction as we have talked about what we are expecting over and over.

But fear not, we still have some interesting and fun discussion that we feel you will enjoy!

Make sure to join us on Tuesday, October 6th for our live recap of the Microsoft Event in which will have a full house of hosts as Kevin Harvell & Brad Whiteside from Tech Informist join us for the discussion so bookmark our Blab Channel and you can join us live at 2pm EST or 11am PST. Again, this episode will be recorded on Tuesday, October 6th at 2pm EST.




Vernon EL Smith
David V. Kimball



Main Topics Discussed

Vernon sold some Lumia 640 devices to some satisfied Windows Phone users who were upgrading from Lumia 900 phones.
Amazon affiliation
Zune started on November 14, 2006 and ends on November 15, 2015. David's birthday just so happens to be on November 14th.
To shave or not to shave
Vernon needs a new PC, or at least a new graphics processor



Personal Picks

App Picks

David - Gangnam Style ringtones

Music Picks

David - Gangnam Style by Psy

Podcast and/or other Picks

David (music video pick) - Gangnam Style by Psy



Tip of the Episode

Enters/Returns do not always appear in tweets, even if you use Shift+Enter.




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Stay Mobile!

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