Previous Episode: 24 - The Kimball brothers
Next Episode: 26 - Microsoft Ads

Microsoft has celebrated 20 years since the release of Windows 95 plus there are rumblings that there is an event coming from Microsoft in which they might be unveiling all sorts of new devices such as the Surface Pro 4, MS Band 2, Lumia 950 & 950 XL (or 940 & 940 XL depending on who you believe) and who knows what else could be shown off.

Vernon freely admits he slacked a bit this week and did not secure a guest, but both he & David bring you a fantastic discussion on Episode 25 of the MS Mobile Show!


Vernon EL Smith & David V. Kimball


Weekly Poll Question

Current Poll Question - What's your favorite Killer-Feature of Windows 10? Cast your vote here
Previous Poll Question - Are you planning on purchasing a Windows 10 Mobile device when available? View results here


Main Topics Discussed

Slack in Windows
Windows 95 celebrates its 20th anniversary
Cortana on Android hits public beta
Tech fatigue & the tendency to become bored with "old" devices
Wallet destroying Microsoft launch event coming up soon
What tech David & Vernon use at home and when they travel


This Versus That

Stability vs features


Personal Picks

App Picks

David - 8 Stream

Game Picks (Suggested by John Martinez)

David - Splatoon on Wii U

Music Picks

David - Xandria


Twitter Tip

Discussion on proper hashtag use



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