Vernon is joined by Kevin Harvell, the host of The Tech Informist, for a laid-back show. The two cover some listener feedback, detail a few podcast apps, dive deep into the Messaging app for Windows Phone, discuss a few news tidbits, give their personal app, music, and podcast picks, and share the Twitter tip of the episode!

Tip of the episode:

Messaging on Windows Phone


Xbox One May Update

AT&T Go Phone users will now get rollover data starting May 15th

The LumiaUS Twitter account accidentally tweets Verizon Lumia 735 render

MyTube & MetroTube apps get updated

Now on Windows Phone:

Cyber Dust


Monument Valley

App Coming to Windows Phone:

Quiz Up beta invites have started to go out via email

Personal Picks:
Windows Phone apps:

Kevin: Clique (for
Vernon: Files


Vernon: Mumford and Sons


Kevin: Podcast Answer Man
Vernon: Hardcore History with Dan Carlin

Twitter Tip:

Be consistent. Something Vernon has been failing at lately.

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Kevin on Twitter: @KevinHarvell
Vernon on Twitter: @VernonEL


We thank you, our listeners. Have a great week!

Stay mobile!

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