Leslie Beale of Profusion Strategies advises companies and organizations on internal development and workforce needs.

As just one aspect of her work, Leslie help clients build awareness of how they are perceived in the workplace… And she helps build strategies to address their weaknesses and highlight their strengths -- very much in alignment with the strategic work Fletcher Marketing PR delivers to clients on the communications- and brand-management side.

On this episode, Leslie joins Kelly and Mary Beth to:

speak about the future of remote work and its impact on team trust and cohesivenesspeel back the layers of what drives relationships, authenticity and trust discuss emerging trends that will continue impacting workforce performance standards and expectations … both from the employer perspective and the employee perspectivecover the issue of managing business-owner stressdelve into whether the "Lean In" mantra of the past decade makes good mental-wellness sense anymoreexplore how the call-to-action has intensified for employers to offer stronger flexibility, to provide pathways for emotional wellness resources, and to offer more heart to their staff teamsrecommend how to best begin ramping up now for 2022 Strategic Planning

... and more. 

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Follow Kelly on Twitter: @KDFletcher
Follow Mary Beth on Twitter: @marybethwest