Excuses are always available.

And yet there are people who just go for it in life. They have a spark about them. A knack of creating a big, juicy life, not just reacting to a never-ending to-do list.

Danusia Malina-Derben, is one such woman. She's an entrepreneur, academic, and organizational behavior and development expert. Oh, and she's a mum of ten.

She's also the host of the School for Mothers and School for Fathers podcasts, and the author of two forthcoming books in 2021. 

I asked Danusia to share about being brave and handling her insidious inner critic.

How does Danusia set and accomplish unreasonable goals?

How does she live a created life on her OWN terms?

Our conversation covers:

Changing your inner critic's diet (SO good!) Why unreasonable goals and falling on your face is necessary Doing vs Being How do you play the cards of failure when you're on your face? The power of a bold request - you can't get what you don't ask for

Grab your cuppa and join us!

Links and Resources:

Effective Leadership Development and Business Consulting

Danusia Malina-Derben on LinkedIn

School for Mothers Podcast

School for Fathers Podcast

David Taylor-Klaus

Fear of Flying by Erica Jong

Mandy Lehto

Mandy Lehto on Instagram

Review MoxieCast on iTunes

Quotes by Danusia Malina-Derben:

“Somehow, my soul had a calling to do lots of things - and do them really well.”

“I’m concerned about the bottom line, but I’m more concerned about people. People are my thing.”

“Unreasonable goals drive accomplishments.”