How would life change if you could shift your relationship with the negative voice in your head? Submit to it less. Lighten up a little. Do what you want anyway, even if the voice threatens you with public humiliation and epic cringey-ness.

Honestly, we can be such dicks to ourselves. If you're as sick of that as I am, grab your mug of something hot and hit .

Suzy Reading - author, coach, and champion of all things self-care-related - is back on the show by popular demand.

Listen to our popular previous episode, "Win at self-care and willpower," HERE.

Today we talk about:

Worthiness - stories we tell ourselves about not being good enough Self-worth is a choice (never thought about it like that!) HALT Check-in - You need to know about this... Are you successful in spite of yourself? Permissioning ourselves to honour boundaries and feelings - it's essential

Join us!

Links and Resources:

Suzy Reading

The Little Book of Self-Care

Stand Tall Like a Mountain: Mindfulness & Self-Care for Children and Parents

The Self-Care Revolution

Suzy Reading on Instagram 

Suzy Reading on Facebook

Suzy Reading on Twitter

Mandy Lehto

Mandy Lehto on Instagram

Review MoxieCast on iTunes

Quotes by Suzy Reading:

“It comes down to how we talk to ourselves, treat ourselves, view ourselves, and allow other people to treat us.”

“It’s learning how to shape your inner language, as well as your actions.” 

“You can’t change something until you’re aware of it.”

“Our thoughts, our emotions, our sensations, our memories, all of these things are passing states.”

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