"I know what it’s like to stand in front of a fridge and just eat and eat and eat. It's like you have no choice, you’re almost possessed.”

Meet Daniel Thomas Hind, founder of EvolutionEat, a transformational lifestyle coaching company that helps overwhelmed people revolutionize their relationship with food.

As a formerly fat Italian kid, Daniel's got some experience here. Food was comfort growing up. Food was love. It was also an antidote to boredom, loneliness and stress.

Nowadays Daniel works with high-profile clients who have a complex relationship with food - even if they don't know it.

Many of his clients are busy, high achievers, people who used to run from meeting to meeting hopped up on coffee.

These are people who couldn't see a way of creating space to nourish themselves properly.

They used to skip meals, too busy to eat. Then they would crash because they were running on empty, on fumes of sleep and caffeine.

Where's my next espresso-hit (or family-sized chocolate bar) to get me through my next meeting?

If this sounds familiar, I've brought Daniel onto the show to help.

He shares insights on:

How to permanently change the way you eat by understanding that you actually have a relationship with food How a growth mindset can transform how you eat Why striving for "good enough" is a game-changer Tips for the insanely busy How a morning routine and midday anchor can set you up for success

Join us!

Your energy levels will thank you.


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Quotes by Daniel:

“My clients come to me just lacking a general sense of awareness, integral to their understanding all the factors that play when it comes to their diet.”

“Most people have never even considered that they have a relationship with food.”