Personal transformation often begins with internal changes in perspectives and beliefs, and the invaluable support provided by our communities.


In this episode, Kate and I discuss shared experiences that taught us the transformative power of fostering supportive networks and cultivating a mindset conducive to growth and resilience. 


Key Takeaways

00:00 - Introduction

More about our guest today


Meet Kate House, your friendly neighborhood mompreneur extraordinaire!

By day, she's a dedicated mom, navigating the chaos of parenthood with grace. But by night, she transforms into the host of the Live By Design podcast, where she empowers women to conquer overwhelm, break free from stagnation, and pursue their dreams with gusto.


Kate's passion for fostering community led her to establish the Live By Design Collective—a supportive space where women come together to uplift and inspire one another. With her guidance, members of the Collective embark on a journey to live intentionally and authentically, leaving behind the constraints of societal norms.


05:50 - Mindset shifts for personal and business growth.

There are intangible factors that have an immense impact on daily life and business success. Kate and I talk about these factors and the power of mindset shifts with a keen comparison of a fixed mindset and growth mindset.


17:21 - Shifting from fixed to growth mindset.

We break down the conversation further with some practical steps for getting through the "stuck" phase and embracing a growth mindset while still giving yourself permission to be a beginner.


24:43 - Community, mentorship, and personal growth

Surrounding yourself with positive influences, such as community and mentors, can help shift one's mindset towards self-love and growth. How best can you leverage your people to help you overcome your limiting beliefs?


29:51 - Conclusion

We hope that this episode gives you the gumption to pull out your moxie and go take action. Your first step is taking advantage of Kate’s offer of FREE access to the Empowered Self Summit, a podcast series with 16 speakers and a workbook to grow your confidence and find clarity. Use code MOXIE



Kate House Instagram

Live by Design Podcast

The Empowered Self Summit

Kate House Website


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