For entrepreneurs striving to run purpose-driven enterprises, the value of collaboration goes beyond the mere exchange of ideas. It's about building a supportive community where entrepreneurs uplift one another, break down barriers, and collectively enhance their impact.



Key Takeaways

00:00 - Introduction


00:37 - Why collaboration

Collaboration is a fundamental part of growth and success. People are built for community, laughter, growth, and building together.


3:03 - Conscious Collaboration

3:03 - Introduction

Conscious collaboration is about the beauty of partnering, which is one of the five P's of sustainability - a framework of the School of ethical impact.


3:47 - Examples of Positive Collaboration

Examples of entrepreneurs who have come together, joined ideas and created something beautiful. 


5:58 - The Power of Collaborative Spaces

Collaboration is a way to move away from competition, embrace shared values, and collectively achieve goals. In this segment, I talk about the importance of being in the right spaces and surrounding oneself with the right people for both personal and business growth.


11:51 - Upcoming Themes and Events

You will get a quick look into what is lined up for March and more about the Shift Training that's happening virtually via my website and the Conscious Collab Weekend, both aimed at personal and professional development. All links below.


13:40 - Encouragement, Affirmations & Conclusion

We hope that this episode affirms you as a world-changers and transformational leaders as well as provides the tools needed for your collaborative next steps.



The School of Ethical Impact

Conscious Collab

Shift Training

Joanna Waterfall

Yellow CO


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