Carl Paoli has been at the forefront of the movement scene for decades.  His career started as an accomplished gymnast in Spain, then transitioned to California where he started GymnasticsWod, and finally moved to Freestyle Connection and Lifestyle Design.  I've been a big fan of Carl's for years, ever since I started trying to figure out how to do a handstand pushup without killing myself.  He is an excellent teacher, philosophical thinker, and a humble human being looking to form deep connections with everyone he meets.  We spent a lot of time talking about the real purpose of fitness and movement, and how it can be applied in kids' lives.  Enjoy the show and please subscribe and share it with others if we've earned it!  Thank you!



Episode Timeline:

4:35 - Gymnastics as a childhood outlet

9:24 - Overcoming bullying

17:45 - Transitioning out of CrossFit/Gymnastics specific work

25:06 - "Fitness for Fitness' Sake"

30:14 - The purpose of fitness

34:20 - "Real education"

42:45 - Who are you?

46:25 - Letting kids be crazy

Instagram: @wermovrs

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