People are the center and cornerstone of any organization. Without people organizations, business, and even families would not exist! Yet as leaders, we too often pay lip-service the complete hiring process of identifying who are needed, where they are needed and how they are hired. Today that changes for you as you will learn the whole process how to lead and hire your next employee.

My expert, Rebecca Barnes-Hogg comes with a lengthy background and has developed her system referred to as the YOLO. In the end, her goal is for you to find the purple unicorn - or your ideal employee.

Lead and Manage the Hiring Process Topics

Here are the topics which we cover during this interview:

Her background and storyWhy YOLO?A bad hire impacts your company in many ways.Four Components of the YOLO PrincipleHow to determine what tasks and responsibilities the person will haveIt’s better to be understaffed than to have a bad employee who will affect the performance andmorale of the rest of your team.Ways to recruit peopleSome ways to interview properlyHow to evaluate and select the right personHow to overcome obstacles

For the complete show notes, be sure to check out our website: