In this episode, Pat speaks with his latest favorite artist, Heather Kocsis. Growing up a romantic idealist, yet somewhat sad and introverted child of divorced parents, we discover Heather’s origins as a future world-class artist and meditative soul-searcher. We chat...

In this episode, Pat speaks with his latest favorite artist, Heather Kocsis. Growing up a romantic idealist, yet somewhat sad and introverted child of divorced parents, we discover Heather’s origins as a future world-class artist and meditative soul-searcher. We chat about her schooling in fine arts and what it has taken to not only to source out her own artistic vision, and run her own business, but also her exploration of a higher level of consciousness. An interesting individual all-around, we even discuss Korean melodramas, traveling in Thailand, and growing her collector base in the heart of the art world, New York City.