Previous Episode: 25. Whiplash (2014)
Next Episode: 27. 300 (2006)

How much do you trust your memory? How much do you depend on your memory of past events to shape your current reality, your history, who you are and what you've experienced? To a certain extent we all know memory can be fallible, but what if you knew to a certainty that you couldn't depend on this faculty which is taken so much for granted? How might your engagement with the world, with those around you, and even with yourself be changed by such an acknowledgement? What, or who, would you trust? Today we're looking at the 2000 movie by Christopher Nolan, Memento. It's a fascinating portrayal of a character who cannot make new memories in the wake of a trauma he experienced. In addition, Nolan uses a unique non-linear technique to tell this story as the entire movie happens in reverse. A bold move for a new director still making his name. Join us as we look at this movie, this story, and the technique employed and whether or not all of these elements work together.

Theme: Great Non-linear Movies