This week we're riding on Falkor and turning around to look at what we see with TV and eSports producer Chris Jalandoni (Attack of the Show) stopping by to watch The Neverending Story for the first time. 

Join us as Chris shares how he missed The Neverending Story growing up and we talk about Atreyu's hair, Bastian's latchkey childhood, sad '80s kids movies, Wolfgang Petersen's filmography, the Goonies video game, Bastian and his father's bizarre eating habits and much more. 

Follow Chris on Twitter to learn about his work in reality TV and eSports gaming. 

Watch Bastian eat an apple core like it's a tasty treat. 

Listen to the show on Apple PodcastsSpotifySoundcloud and Stitcher. Or paste the RSS feed into the preferred podcast player of your choice to get new episodes when they're released. 


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