This week we welcome back Big Quiz Thing creator Noah Tarnow to watch the 2004 dramedy Garden State for the first time and discuss his personal relationship to both writer/director/star Zach Braff and the titular state. 

Join us as we dig into early '00s nostalgia, the good and troubling points of the film, the "manic pixie dream girl" trope, getting comfortable with your friend's success, the film's beloved soundtrack and much more. 

Follow Noah and Big Quiz Thing on Twitter and hire him for all your corporate trivia needs. 

Listen to Noah and past guest Bill Scurry tackle the hottest trends on the I Don't Get It Podcast. You can also hear your humble Movies My Friends Have Never Seen host on a recent episode gabbing about exotic ice cream. 

Here's a defense of Garden State and a funny takedown

Correction: The Twitter drama Zach Braff got into was about Pharrell Williams, not Kanye West as mentioned in the episode. 

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